Monday, September 5, 2011

Travel Trouble-Fernanda Dias

Hi, I´m Fernanda Dias, and I had an travel trouble. On 2010, I went to Orlando with my mom, grandmother, my aunt Ana, Antônia, and Mailee. When we arrived in the airport, we went to the Taxi, and looked for a car. We found a red car and we rented it. We looked for a hotel, and when we found one, I had and stomachache and I threw up. My grandmother asked for water to a man who worked there, but he didn't give me, and went to sleep. So my aunt Ana stole water from the refrigerator hotel, but when she did it, the man saw and they started to fight, and my grandmother cursed him, so we went to another hotel. In the fourth day of the trip, the people who worked in the OTHER hotel, stole our GPS and broke the window of our rented red car. We called the police woman, but the people that works in the hotel cleaned up the car to the police woman don´t discover who stoled the GPS. And there was ANOTHER day, that was my mom birthday, and she bought a lot of things for her, including an CAMERA! My mom remembered that my cousin with 2 years old, Sophia, needed a Croc, and my mother saw an Croc store for babys, so my mom left the bags with the things that she bought in the wall, and when she saw, the bag wasn´t there anymore, and she stayed in panic!! So, to surprise my mom, my grandmother bought another camera for her, and gave to her in a Brazillian restaraunt in Orlando. My mom was so happy when she saw her new camera!
Travel Trouble

When I went to São Paulo ... I went to ‘’HOPPI HARI’’ but I got lost. I was in a toy with water and I was cold and I wanted to go to another toy .when I was walking I didn’t see my mother where she promissed to be . I was so scared and I started to cry and a family helped me …and I said:
-thank you !
By Fernanda Neu

When I went to new York, the hotel didn’t have any mini bar and my mother ,my father and I went to a mini market and we bough yoghurt, coke,water, and some things that we put in a mini bar when we went to a hotel.